Dear valued users,

Your personal data is always our top priority and it is important to us.

IGB, which includes its holding company, subsidiaries and related companies (collectively referred to as "we", "us" or "our") are currently taking stringent steps and measures to ensure compliance of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 ("PDPA") in collecting and processing your personal data. We reserve the right to amend the content of this Personal Data Protection Notice and Policy ("PDPA Notice and Policy") from time to time without any prior notice and the material changes will be posted on our official website. You are advised to periodically review the latest version of this PDPA Notice and Policy.

During the course of our business dealings with you ("Business Dealings"), you have voluntarily provided us your Personal Data which includes but not limited to the following (collectively "Personal Data") :

  1. Names, date of birth, national registration identity card number, passport number, age, nationality;
  2. Contact details, e-mail addresses;
  3. Correspondence addresses;
  4. Gender, occupation, race, religion and belief, marital status, employer details;
  5. References, next-of-kin, family background, education, working experiences, salutations;
  6. Salary range, credit card information, credit worthiness, banking information and other financial data;
  7. Sales data;
  8. CCTV, security recordings, photographs, videos; and
  9. Other background information.

The Personal Data will be collected and processed for, amongst others, the following purposes (collectively "Purposes") :

  1. To verify your identity;
  2. To assess and process your application(s) and/or request(s) for our products or services;
  3. To provide you with the products and services (Including ordering, complaints, follow up, feedback);
  4. To establish and better manage any business relationship we may have with you;
  5. To process any communications you send us (eg: answering any queries and dealing with any complaints or feedbacks);
  6. To process your request(s), order(s), purchase(s) and/or contest entry;
  7. To manage and fulfill purchase and repair orders and to provide after service care;
  8. To help us monitor and improve our product and service performances;
  9. To maintain and develop our business system and infrastructure, including testing and upgrading of these systems as we are always working on continuous improvement;
  10. To notify you about benefits and changes to the features of our products and/or services;
  11. To enter into sale and purchase transaction and other relevant agreements and contract to purchase properties from us;
  12. To enter into tenancy transaction to rent properties from us;
  13. To send you promotional messages, updates, invitations, special offers or other notices in relation to our businesses and services;
  14. To maintain and improve customer relationships through Customer Relationship Management (CRM);
  15. To enhance and market our properties, businesses and services;
  16. For customer loyalty reward program;
  17. To create customer data profile for our records;
  18. To maintain records required for internal investigations, audit or security purposes;
  19. To update you on the latest promotions, launches, latest products and services;
  20. To conduct market research, statistical analysis, customer surveys, and other business development activities;
  21. Assessing application to register for the use of any website under our management;
  22. To produce data, reports and statistics which shall be anonymised or aggregated in a manner that does not identify you as an individual;
  23. To process any payments related to your requested service, commercial transaction, sale and purchase transaction, tenancy transaction and etc.
  24. To collect the outstanding payment from you;
  25. To conduct credit assessments, financial and background investigation as and when required;
  26. To prevent and/or report of any crimes including but not limited to theft, robbery, fraud, bribery and/or money laundering;
  27. For risks management, safeguarding us in the event of any claim, litigation, suit and etc;
  28. To ensure compliance of the legal or regulatory requirements relating to our services and products and properties;
  29. To make relevant disclosure to the relevant parties and authorities pursuant to the requirements of court orders, by-laws, guidelines, codes applicable to us;
  30. To enter into the necessary agreement and/or contract ;
  31. To attend to vacant possession and post vacant possession services, customer care and defect rectification works;
  32. For insurance purposes;
  33. Enabling us to send you information by e-mail, telecommunications means (telephone calls or text messages) or social media about products, services and/or promotions offered by us and selected third parties that we think might interest you;
  34. For all other purposes in relation to the transaction and other services between you and us in context to the business and IGB;
  35. For all purposes related to sales administration and property management purposes; and
  36. For all other purposes which include but not limited to subsale, refinancing, sales by auction and other services between you and us.

In compliance with the PDPA, the Personal Data provided by you will generally be kept in a secure manner and we will exercise reasonable endeavours to implement security measures to prevent and limit any unauthorized processing of your Personal Data. Nevertheless, you hereby acknowledge, consent and authorize us to disclose, release, disseminate and transfer the Personal Data to the following third parties:

  1. All subsidiaries and related companies within the IGB;
  2. Any person to whom we are compelled or required to release the Personal Data;
  3. All internal department within IGB such as finance, human resources, marketing and etc;
  4. Local authorities,government bodies,agencies and institutions;
  5. Payment channels including without limitation financial institutions for purpose of assessing, verifying, effectuating and facilitating payment of any amount due to IGB in connection with your acquisition of our services and/or products;
  6. Agents, consultants, service providers and authorized representatives;
  7. Event, contest or training organisers;
  8. Joint Venture Partners;
  9. Land owners;
  10. Valuers;
  11. Insurance companies
  12. Business associates;
  13. Suppliers, Franchisors and Licensors;
  14. Bankers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, contractors, insurance agents, insurance companies;
  15. Joint Management Body and Management Corporation;
  16. External auditors;
  17. The general public by publishing your name, photographs and other Personal Data for advertising and publicity purposes; and
  18. All other related third parties recipients.

Further, if you have released Personal Data of any third parties to us, you represent and warrant to us that they have appointed and authorized you to act on their behalf and you have obtained and procured their consent to allow us to process their Personal Data.

The failure on your part to provide the Personal Data will entail the following direct or indirect consequences:

  1. The inability to process and disclose your Personal Data in accordance with the Purposes;
  2. Affect the ability of the parties to formalise the sale and purchase or tenancy transaction and to execute the relevant agreements and documents;
  3. Unable to provide you with the notices, services and/or products requested;
  4. Unable to update you and obtain feedback from you on the latest products, promotions, services, events, contests, programs, referral scheme and launches;
  5. Unable to accept and process your entry to any contest;
  6. Unable to proceed with the assignment and to meet the objectives and to resolve the issues at hand;
  7. Affect the communication of the parties;
  8. Unable to comply with any applicable laws, regulations, directions, court orders, by laws and guidelines;
  9. All other related direct and indirect consequences.

In our record, if you opt in to subscribe or receive commercial communications from us, while becoming a member of our loyalty program, should your membership to such program come to an end for whatsoever reason, we will not take it as an implication for an automatic request to unsubscribe or opt out, and we will assume that we continue to have your consent, unless you specifically unsubscribe by sending your request to unsubscribe to the person-in-charge at the contact details stated below.

You are reminded to ensure the accuracy of the Personal Data furnished to us as we will not be responsible for any inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up-to-date data in our record. You have the right to access and correct your Personal Data and/or limit the processing thereof and/or lodge any complaints and/or make any inquiries from time to time by serving a written notice to the person-in- charge as follows:

Department Name PDPA/Legal department
Contact Person & Designation PDPA officer
Contact & Fax No Tel: +6012.345.6789
Fax: +6012.345.6789
Email Address
Company Business Address Address Line 1
Address Line 2
012345 Kuala Lumpur
Web Site Address

Your usage of our website and systems indicated your consent to the use of your Personal Data in accordance with this PDPA Notice and Policy.

When you visit our website, we may use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. Once you choose to furnish the website with your Personal Data, this data may be linked to the data stored in the cookies.

When you engage with us through social media sites, you have allowed us to access to certain information from your social media account (e.g., name, email address, photo, gender, birthday, city, the posts or the trade you make).

Any Personal Data which is no longer required for the Purposes will be destroyed and deleted from our record and system.

In the event of any conflict between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia translation version of this PDPA Notice and Policy, the English version shall prevail.

We trust that you have read and understood the terms of this PDPA Notice and Policy and you hereby declare that you have agreed and accepted the terms herein and you have granted your consent for us to process your Personal Data.